I hate advertising arrogance and peeps who spout sarcasm to prove their worth.
Isn't it tiring, bros?
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
For Bryan
Is it not ok
I won’t believe them till you say
What they know yet not care
Are your knuckles bruised, your meds are used
What you see ain’t what they saw
Where you’ve been so far from all
When no one believes you, we’ll make two
Come over to this side, just rest still
Wait for the hint of light, just rest still
Then clasp my hands and hold it tight
Just clasp my hand, we’ll jump into the night
Posted by Bigcityb at 10:26:00 AM 0 wantanmee
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Ade's Ink
Have you ever doubt the speed of the Intel inside your head?
I have a bad habit. I tend to be 10sec lag in responses but peeps often mistaken it as zone-out or confused.
“It’s your eyes, Adeline. I don’t know what they are doing but they seem to be staring space”, said an ex-client.
It happened again at the meeting today. It’s funny but I need a solution. Perhaps, glasses.
Posted by Bigcityb at 1:49:00 PM 0 wantanmee
Monday, October 22, 2007
Lately II....
1. I've been receiving streaming invitations to join friend's Friendster and Hi5 list. Could the Facebook phenomena possibly revive other popular networking sites of the past?
2. They don't sell Polaroid film anymore. Anybody?
3. Murakami's characters showing up left and right in my life
4. I've developed a gay rep with my short crop.
5. Bloggers, the next wave of confidantes? Possible. Just ask Abang Neraka
Posted by Bigcityb at 3:32:00 PM 0 wantanmee
I'm ready for a watch after not owning one for 10 years. Committing my left hand to take on this burden means decisions must be made carefully and rationally. It's as critical as losing-your-virginity-for-the-first-time.
My desire goes to Marchand de Legumes Japanese Talking Watch (talking watches are meant for the visually impaired) and here r the reasons to believe:
a. It's digital = I won't tell the wrong time
b. It shows 2 time zones, one is Japan = useful for collaborative projects with Dentsu Inc.
c. It tells the time in Japanese when you press a little button on the side = learn a new language / a cheap thrill and time killer
d. Can be set to automatically speak the time on the hour = own a Personal Assistant who reminds me of time but won't tell me what to do
The most awesome part....the cheesy colors. Who can resist blue, yellow, purple, green or gray watches?
Hint, hint :=)
Posted by Bigcityb at 2:13:00 PM 1 wantanmee
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Mundane for the Membrane
Finally, I am part of the system. Finally, I won’t get those weird stares anymore. Finally, “I AM A CITIZEN OF MALAYA!!!”
This is my third attempt to get a MyKad, the first two were out-witted by my own impatience. The trip had turned out to be more pleasant than I expected.
Armed with an iPod, Mr Wind-up Bird and a cup of McD coffee, I was more determined than ever to check this off the list. I thought about bringing the laptop along, but then, it almost seems too indulging for governmental stuff like this.
At 8.30am, I was No. 68, a long wait from No. 15 but it didn't bother me that Saturday morning. I know I have to conquer mundanity and my strategy is to embrace it with love and use it as thinking time.
I need a new thinking space anyway (a good one where I can slouch ideally with nobody judging). The JPN waiting room full with strangers seem quite fitting. There isn’t anything serious to resolve; just my mind screaming for some aimless wander. And so I did, with a plastered smirk tne entire time. I sat and I stared and I read and I danced (in my head) aimlessly to the beat of the buzzer while previewing the consistensy of human behavior in the context of waiting time.
Tiiingggggg...nombor enam-puluh lapan Ahhh...that sweet sound came at 11am.
The verdict that makes me proud to tell you, I'VE CONQUERED MUNDANITY!
Posted by Bigcityb at 11:04:00 PM 0 wantanmee
Saturday, October 20, 2007
What's a girl to do?
This Bat for Lashes video is super-surreal. Reminds me of Akira Kurasawa's Dreams with an electronica twist. A bit of Daft Punk flava too. Finally, music is music just the way I like it. Yums :=)
Posted by Bigcityb at 5:18:00 PM 0 wantanmee
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
I learnt science one Shinjuku afternoon
I found this suspending Lego block at the backlane of Shinkuju last summer. It's an extension of a house. Architecture designs like this always leave a mystical effect on me, like science. How can something so heavy stay suspended in the air?
"It's a formulaic design of mass/density = gravity" said Eugene.
Ahh...like the baggage of our memories. Almost too heavy to shoulder but when you really think about it, not so.
Posted by Bigcityb at 7:41:00 PM 0 wantanmee
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Monday, October 01, 2007
Sneer, Stare or Just Hug
FREE HUGS, Juan Mann’s peace promise turned guerilla craze is all about random kindness. And someone (a group?) is finally doing it in KL. While browsing at Galo in Telawi yesterday, a young boy showed up with a card board saying just that. Taken a back with his grin, my only reflex was to fetch my cam in hope for snap snap.
“Aren’t you gonna give him a hug”? asked chern
I hesitated, and hugged GALO’s cute designer instead.
I couldn’t believe it! I really couldn’t! I didn’t move a muscle to return a kind act! Me cynic, me bad and I couldn’t help but to wonder how other KL-ites react to this peace-offering gesture? (You bet, lukewarm according to the boy / kena shoo at The Curve too)
Couple months ago, some friends talked about replicating the FREE HUGS effort but I guess the inconsistensy of Malaysia constituition and our seedy knowledge of it kinda waffles the idea, a turn-off. (note: visit official site + read local govt parameters)
So, I have to salute this boy for his enthusiasm, innocence and the big big grin. Going round asking hugs from strangers is a very courageous act, and for whatever motivation belies, the campaign effort makes him a bigger man than he already is.
Witnessing a real action plan in person is awesome (*love boiling inside me as I write). My pledge, dear all, is be kind. Don’t sneer, don’t stare. If can reflex, hug him so that the viralling effort could sustain for a month or two and generate some well-deserved media coverage (good awareness too!)
More info on FREE HUGS here.
Or else google social disconnectivity or lack of human contact
Posted by Bigcityb at 9:47:00 PM 5 wantanmee