Ade's Ink
A crazy day
Í find shelter at the Bomb
I crave After Dark
To prevent me from writing my days at night
I want After Dark
Í have to get it before Izakaya.
A crazy day
Í find shelter at the Bomb
I crave After Dark
To prevent me from writing my days at night
I want After Dark
Í have to get it before Izakaya.
Posted by Bigcityb at 8:59:00 PM 4 wantanmee
3 layers deep
I was ME
I was her, a Japanese woman in traditional life
I was it, an avatar on Second Life.
Opened my eyes,
The room, pitch black
2 minutes of blank stare
Oh, I am here.
Posted by Bigcityb at 6:17:00 PM 2 wantanmee
1. Losing the cover of your favourite pen is like watching your loved one dying.
2. It's only 3 but it feels like 7.
3. It's gonna rain but where's the wind?
4. The writer is hoping to replicate the same high she got from the first masterpiece, but you and I know, it's never gonna be the same again.
5. David is having trouble getting into my blog from Shanghai. He worries that his only source of outside information has officially ended. Write about censorship, he plead.
6. Ray likes staring at his screen; with a straight back and a blank expression in his eyes. I asked, "what you reading?" He said, "nothing, I'm just consuming". It's the wiki version of Fantastic Four.
7. I was admiring at a black crow pendant which I found on net last night. Today, I thanked a stranger who gave me a black crow pin.
8. "For the first time, I actually think of what I'm thinking. So, what are you thinking?" 9. Of all things, I'm attracted to this. I can't cook but my heart says I need it. The Voodoo Knife display is designed by some guy named Raffaele Iannello. Read it on the net last week, saw it at little kiosk in Plaza Damas this week. Retailing at RM400+.
10. YOU: "The one with the wolves is like a companion piece to the one I made earlier of the man with antlers embracing a woman. He's kind of running with two
crowds, or trying to - the world of man and the world of nature. In case you're confused, that isn't a penis on the guy - it's his hand and arm in motion - and that is a tail in the back, not a bag or something else. I've had to explain this to some people, even though it looks plain as day to me"
ME: You are right. It's starting to get vain if you keep sending me your paintings without talking about our lives (not just mine!). I only have so much to say. Along the years, I learnt that criticism and comments are worthless when it comes to art. So what? It's as simple as we like it or not. If we know the creator, we tend to be a little more forgiving because we understand them. If we are asked, we always try to scramble for vague and silly answers. That may be the reason why your audience mistaken the human motion as penis and tail. I don't see anything thing except for the man walking with a pack of wolves.
Posted by Bigcityb at 10:48:00 PM 0 wantanmee
"Two packs of sugar and cream...bancuh please" Here I am, professing my love for McD coffee and the wonderful peeps at Ampang drive-thru. This cup is my daily dose of sanity. Gets me through tough traffic jams and the morning loading emails. Yeh...they upgraded the size recently!
Posted by Bigcityb at 10:08:00 PM 3 wantanmee
A hundred books and nothing right
Fighting a flight of thousand pages,
for a harmless story that tells her time
All she got was a smell of rotten history
In the struggle for space on an empty train
(on Narita Express, 28/05/2007 @9am)
Posted by Bigcityb at 2:09:00 PM 1 wantanmee
Wearing our Sunday best on a Monday
Our first take in 3 years!
A typical weeknight dinner at Albert's. He (and son Oli) make the best steak ever.
Posted by Bigcityb at 6:19:00 PM 0 wantanmee
This is the first free weekend in 3 months. It's been an awful mental-taxing 3. Although my mind is clearer after Tokyo, I intend to prolong my self-indulging acts a little bit more, just to be sure that I'm back on track.
Indulgence first:
Day dream of Tokyo Top Secret.
Indulgence second:
J-Pop and Norwegian Wood, Haruki Murakami
Urban Creatures resin creation
Indulgence third:
The search for Michael Lau
Indulgence forth:
Jane Birkin and Paolo Nutini
A cosmic exchange with my other twin in Shanghai
Indulgence five:
Movie marathon with buddy Gavin Lee. This trip is worth the mention because I've abstained from these 2 directors for a year and half. Oddly, they intimidate me. To watch their films in one night is awkward, but I enjoyed the surreality. I feel light like an after-joint high.
9.30pm: I hesitated at first because it's Michel Gondry. Eternal Sunshine left me with few nights of unimaginable sleep. I took 6 attempts and 2 years to finish the entire film because my little mind refuse to accept the story. However, Science of Sleep is a pleasant surprise. I wish I have the wit to write scripts like this. My favourite line is "Distraction is the construction of destruction". Stephane reminds me of Toru Watanabe, Haruki Murakami's character in Norwegian Woods (I don't know why since they have nothing in common) Overall, it's good because I have't have a hearty laugh since ...?
1.00am: I Don't Want to Sleep Alone. I like the romantic notion of watching a Tsai Ming Liang film at 1am with no expectation. This piece is one of the more "entertaining" piece, compared to the river and the time. Maybe it's the big screen - nothing beats the art on a big screen. His composition is apt, his characters ruthless and the choice of My favourite scene is below. I wish that I'm on it too, floating away on the mattress with them.
Do you think directors set expectations on their audience? I'm sure they want more than just 'wow'.
Posted by Bigcityb at 6:17:00 AM 9 wantanmee