Where the wild things are
My favorite childhood wonder has comeback. Am waiting in anticipation to reach the shores of my DVD sellers. Can't wait to be a kid again. April 1st, here I come!!!!!! :=)
My favorite childhood wonder has comeback. Am waiting in anticipation to reach the shores of my DVD sellers. Can't wait to be a kid again. April 1st, here I come!!!!!! :=)
Posted by Bigcityb at 4:36:00 PM 0 wantanmee
I was taken by surprise with this question from the online assistance to help retrieve my forgotten password. Again, provoking my frustration with passwords and usernames and the different requirement mandated from each site. I have 15 different IDs to 15 different worlds. Never learn - what about you?
Posted by Bigcityb at 6:11:00 PM 2 wantanmee
I found this stool in this charming small town. It's the exact design we had in my old TTDI house. I was 10 then. Lovely.
Posted by Bigcityb at 10:55:00 PM 1 wantanmee
I've made bird-watching part of my pet project in trend spotting. People asked me why. I said "come to Port Dickson this weekend and you'll find out",
Posted by Bigcityb at 3:54:00 PM 0 wantanmee
As Twitter quickly becomes a household name, some are finding uses for the microblogging tool that go beyond work and play. One of of the most thoughtful around is Twipple - twittering + random acts of kindness. As the twitter page explains, “a twipple is a random act of kindness via twitter. I will explore more over the weekend but it reminds me of free hugs and the movement of random act of kindess.
(note to myself: must learn to tag and create backlink to past articles :=)
Posted by Bigcityb at 9:13:00 AM 1 wantanmee
This has almost become a daily topic in client's projects and with fanatic bloggers on building their popularity online. Seriously, if you are into this hobby, it's really an art form that gushes the adrenaline the same as commodity share trading.
For smart marketers who knows how to milk this trend, TA-DA. Internet Famous Class by Parson School of Design is all about the art and science of getting hits. The course is dedicated to teaching students the most effective ways of leveraging on social media to gain the largest possible audience online.
Posted by Bigcityb at 3:08:00 PM 0 wantanmee
Posted by Bigcityb at 2:48:00 PM 0 wantanmee
He picks on me to death but I still like him. That's because he cooks like an India storm and his house is a treasure of Alice's wonderland. No way am I gonna sulk at him and forgo the chance of sleuthing over these treasures. ehehehhehehehehehhehehehehe
Happy Birthday Prat.
(Post: It wasn't indian food. Prat grilled a whole lamb leg! Check Wheel Love for pix)
Posted by Bigcityb at 5:33:00 PM 3 wantanmee