Saturday, January 20, 2007

Ade's Ink

"A dream that your car was stolen represents a feeling that someone or something is trying to compromise your integrity, take advantage of you, or take something that belongs to you - in a dishonest, sneaky, or manipulative way."

"A dream about losing teeth can indicate a feeling or a fear that something has caused you to lose a healthy balance within your physical body or within your mental state or life"

"A stranger in a dream can represent many things - such as a real person you actually know, a type of person you'd like (or wouldn't like) to know, a religious figure or helper, a general threat or fear (not a person)"

"Falling. Feelings of abandonment, especially feeling abandoned by a "caretaker" such as a partner, employer, or by God. Feelings of a loss of security or control, or a sudden lack of foundation in your life, such as a situation where "the rug is pulled out from under you."


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