Thursday, January 25, 2007

Be counted on Jan 27

George W Bush wants to pour more petrol on the fires burning in Iraq. His new policy there is MILITARY ESCALATION, with no end in sight. The newly elected US Congress could stop this madness. Last week Avaaz launched an immediate campaign to let them hear from global voices. Over 45,000 voices and an ad was placed in "Roll Call", an influential political paper sent to every member of Congress. They may just get the guts to stop Bush. But there’s more to do to make this tide irresistible.

On Saturday 27 January the US peace movement will be reborn with a big march on their capital of Washington DC. The vast majority of Americans finally oppose escalation. Let’s add our voices to their protest – let’s hold a global internet march in the coming days. People will carry banners and placards at the DC march on Saturday - showing how many people from each country have come out to join them.

We have a voice. Let’s use it. The US-led coalition forces and the Iraqi government are part of the problem, sending tens of thousands more American troops will only fan the flames of this conflict, and it’s endangering us all. It’s time to demand a real plan to end the war.

Add your name to the petition and join the march. Tell your friends before Saturday, and make the number on your country’s placard big!

1 comment:

Anonymous said... is launching a climate change campaign early next week. The campaign will feature a 30 second video available in several languages asking people to contact their leaders and to urge them to do something about global warming.