Sneer, Stare or Just Hug
FREE HUGS, Juan Mann’s peace promise turned guerilla craze is all about random kindness. And someone (a group?) is finally doing it in KL. While browsing at Galo in Telawi yesterday, a young boy showed up with a card board saying just that. Taken a back with his grin, my only reflex was to fetch my cam in hope for snap snap.
“Aren’t you gonna give him a hug”? asked chern
I hesitated, and hugged GALO’s cute designer instead.
I couldn’t believe it! I really couldn’t! I didn’t move a muscle to return a kind act! Me cynic, me bad and I couldn’t help but to wonder how other KL-ites react to this peace-offering gesture? (You bet, lukewarm according to the boy / kena shoo at The Curve too)
Couple months ago, some friends talked about replicating the FREE HUGS effort but I guess the inconsistensy of Malaysia constituition and our seedy knowledge of it kinda waffles the idea, a turn-off. (note: visit official site + read local govt parameters)
So, I have to salute this boy for his enthusiasm, innocence and the big big grin. Going round asking hugs from strangers is a very courageous act, and for whatever motivation belies, the campaign effort makes him a bigger man than he already is.
Witnessing a real action plan in person is awesome (*love boiling inside me as I write). My pledge, dear all, is be kind. Don’t sneer, don’t stare. If can reflex, hug him so that the viralling effort could sustain for a month or two and generate some well-deserved media coverage (good awareness too!)
More info on FREE HUGS here.
Or else google social disconnectivity or lack of human contact
Free hugs are nice!
Thanks for the nice comments! I guess I'm blogging in Malay to actually reach minds of people who would be in a position to affect other people's opinions...
don't you think so?
every little helps, MM!
i wish i'm as proficient as you in expressing simple observations.
luv, luv luv your insights
Since I'm a cheapskate, all hugs should be free!
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